Sunday, July 23, 2006

I might as well post about crappy races as well as the ones in which I excell in, so as to front an image of being human. This weekend up to Spooner to chill wit the SovaBros. Put on a new chainring (which later would be my undoing) and went out for a chilax sight seeing ride around Spooner... After we had some killa 'za and watched Fun with Dick and Jane (good flick). In the morning drove crazy fast to Phillips, arriving there early enough to watch the Sport start...crazy.

My race went down like this, went to the front on the road leadout. Hit the first gravel climb, slammed it in reverse (basically) as I fell off the back. Lungs seering, legs not firing, and brain out for lunch. Phillips is a series of short steep ma-f'in climbs and with my new middle chain ring on I thought I'd be good. First steep climb my chain violently jumps ship and drops, and would continue to do so the rest of my race. New chain, ok cassette, new chainring-wt to the f. Anyways so I was eating dust like 20th and some guy from the wave behind me caught me, and so when I saw Chase on the side of the trail with a flat saying that it happened while he was attacking Mitch, I lent him my wheel for a totally Euro flat fix. DNFing feels like shit I have to say, and almost worst DNFing by choice is pretty damn fuckin weak. Maybe I should start training during the weeks as opposed to my usual sit around and wait till I feel like riding.

Anyways enough sulking. Throwing some photos out there cause I have nothing better to do...
Pee break, back country style.
Chad wondering if he can still race into the Third Trimester?!?
A random fav of me and my bro chillin' at his old place.

Hmmm....back to school sale?


Blogger Muraski said...

Everybody's gotta have a DNF every once in a while. Atleast your excuse was way better than my last one.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:17 PM  

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